The Executive Committee of the Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) has registered its unflinching support for the on-going reform policies at the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) and its top-ranking officials, led by its dynamic Managing Director, Nyemadi D. Pearson.
“We believe that the LPRC Managing Director does not only bring relief to the entity, but a high level of sanity and decency to the institution, especially in the administrative human relations,” the Executive Committee of the Civil Society Network of Liberia, headed by its Executive Director, Mr. Sensee K. Kiadii noted.
According to the Executive Committee of the CSNL, having perused the inner workings of the LPRC, coupled with detailed investigation, the CSNL has come to realize that employees have intimated in their personal views and opinions a high level of respect and dignity for Madam Pearson, now referred to as the down-to-earth MD, first in the history of the LPRC and the Liberian society.
The CSNL Executive Committee named the few achievements in the shortest time made by the MD and her corps of officers as the modernization of the already existing clinic within the LPRC Compound, nearing completion, which will afford employees easy access to quality and affordable healthcare within their reach and easy access of petroleum products from the LPRC Storage Facility, the good working relationship between the Importers and the Tankers Association of Liberia as it relates to central administration.
The Executive Committee of the CSNL also recounted the completion of the three (3) new tanks to augment the storage capacity, and the completion of the new Jeety pipelines, which will make it easier for the discharge of vessels.
“Our considered judgment of Madam Pearson will not only set the standards for the provision of quality managerial principles and skills in the oil and gas sector, but will also solidify, strengthen and bring decency, morality and quality performance of LPRC personnel, hence the rapidity of our journey of ‘getting to best’ in achieving the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development under the Weah-led Government,” the CSNL Executive Committee said.
“While it seems like we are surviving in a society that tends to be driven by politics, we must appeal to the rationality of those opposed to the on-going reform at the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC), for once, to allow their common reasoning to step in and help lead us to a drastic transformation of our oil and gas sector,” the CSNL Executive Committee said in a release issued in Monrovia.
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