Few development challenges in Africa are as pressing and controversial
as land ownership and its persistent gap between rich and poor
With a profound demographic shift in Africa from rural areas to the
cities where half of all Africans will live by 2050, these gaps will
become steadily more pronounced as governments and communities rise to
the challenge of growing enough affordable nutritious food for all
families to thrive on the continent.
In some countries in the region, these gaps—allied as they are with
high poverty rates and large-scale unemployment—have become sufficiently
wide to undermine shared growth and social cohesion.
Women are especially vulnerable. They make up 70 percent of Africa’s
farmers and yet, for the most part, are locked out of land ownership by
customary laws. Without a title to the land they farm, women are unable
to raise the money needed to improve their small harvests or to raise
living standards. This injurious legacy perpetuates poverty and blights
the lives of women who are the backbone of Africa’s farming, present and
Many countries around the world have grappled with the challenge of
landlessness and inequality of land ownership. However, in Africa, which
has 202 million hectares or half the world’s total holdings of useable
uncultivated fertile land, it is accentuated by extremely low
agricultural productivity—only 25 percent of potential.
Despite this abundant land and mineral wealth, much of Africa remains
poor and too few countries have been able to translate their rapid
economic growth into significantly less poverty and more opportunity.
A timely new World Bank report—Securing Africa’s Land for Shared
Prosperity: a Program to Scale Up Reforms and Investments—suggests that
poor land governance, the system that determines and administers land
rights, may lie at the root of this grievous problem.
For example, the vast majority of African countries is using land
administration systems they inherited at independence, along with the
survey and mapping techniques that are antiquated.
Not surprisingly, only 10 percent of Africa’s rural land is registered.
The remaining 90 percent is undocumented and informally administered,
which makes it susceptible to land grabbing, expropriation without fair
compensation, and corruption. Again these consequences fall hardest on
women farmers who are often the only breadwinners in their families.
Undocumented land is also a problem in Africa’s cities, now
increasingly the destination for millions of former rural dwellers. The
inhabitants of Africa’s booming cities need secure access to land to
live legally without fear of eviction.
This is where scaled-up land registration combined with legal
recognition of the rights of squatters on public lands, would greatly
improve the lives of poor families and their ability to tend communal
gardens, improve urban agriculture, and run profitable businesses.
Fortunately, there are successful examples worldwide of countries that
have improved their land governance and revolutionized agriculture. For
example, in 1978, China dismantled collective farms and used long-term
leases to confer land rights on households, which launched an era of
prolonged agricultural growth that transformed rural China and led to
the largest reduction in poverty in history. In Argentina, Indonesia,
and the Philippines, legal recognition of land rights for residents in
slum areas have improved the quality of their housing and the value of
their plots.
Based on such worldwide experience and encouraging evidence from
country pilots in African countries such as Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique,
Tanzania, and Uganda, this new report suggests a series of ten steps
that may help to revolutionize agricultural production and eradicate
poverty in Africa. These steps include improving tenure security over
individual and communal lands, increasing land access and tenure for
poor and vulnerable families, resolving land disputes, managing better
public land, and increasing efficiency and transparency in land
administration services.
Although poor land governance is daunting, the problem is not
insurmountable. The last decade has witnessed an increase in concerted
efforts by African countries and development partners to undertake land
policy reforms and to pilot innovative approaches to improve land
governance. Many of these countries either have legislation in place or
initiatives in progress to address communal land rights and gender
equality, the basis for sound land administration.
Surges in commodity prices and foreign direct investment have increased
the potential return on investment in land administration. We must
match the evidence in this report with the political will and leadership
to transform African agriculture and Africa’s development prospects.
The opportunity to resolve the continent’s long-running struggle with
land ownership and productivity has never been better. The time for
action is now.
Makhtar Diop is the World Bank Group’s Vice President for Africa
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